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Welcome to BOMA of Greater Cincinnati

Greater Cincinnati Building Owners & Managers Association (BOMA) is the city's leading professional, commercial real estate organization dedicated to meeting the needs of building owners, property managers and commercial service providers.

The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International is an federation of BOMA local associations in cities across the United States and a network of international affiliates around the world.  Founded in 1907, BOMA represents owners and managers of all commercial property types including nearly 10.5 billion square feet of U.S. office space that supports 1.7 million jobs and contributes $234.9 billion to the U.S. GDP.  BOMA represents and protects the commercial real estate industry through a robust building codes and federal advocacy program and provided critical tools and information to industry practitioners through education, publications, floor measurement standards, research and benchmarking reports, building recognition opportunities, sharing practices, trends and more.  Find BOMA online at www.boma.org.




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Federated with BOMA International